With Criminal Justice Reform, Authentic Rehabilitation is Vital

Walt Blackman, a Republican legislator, who is known for supporting criminal justice reforms, but who also has a sustained record of supporting conservative Republican values, such as being opposed to abortion, has come under fire for inartful remarks he made about George Floyd and Black Lives Matter. As a result, some organizations who anointed him as their savior on sentencing reform have now wholly rejected him. As the saying goes, “Politics makes for strange bedfellows.”

Walt Blackman, a Republican legislator, who is known for supporting criminal justice reforms, but who also has a sustained record of supporting conservative Republican values, such as being opposed to abortion, has come under fire for inartful remarks he made about George Floyd and Black Lives Matter. As a result, some organizations who anointed him as their savior on sentencing reform have now wholly rejected him. As the saying goes, “Politics makes for strange bedfellows.”